
Hi, My name is Gilbar and I am a 36 year old therapist and writer from Israel.

On October 2010 I finished writing The Scale of Love, almost a scientific attempt to explain and prove the existence and necessity of the power we call Love through every major field of human experience. I based my study on 15 years of treating people as a professional therapist and on personal experience and other sources.

During the writing process I kept getting flashes of visions that this book will be presented to the world as a gift, and will be handled professionally by a great and relevant celebrity such as Oprah Winfrey and or Byron Katie. Surely every young writer 'gets' these 'visions' of an angle doing for him or her all the hard work of promotion, in one point or another.

Be as presumptuous or juvenile as these dreams might have been, I addressed these two heroines of mine directly, telling them about my project, and got a very generous respond from Katie. Although I am still waiting to some extent to receive her full feedback, she did help me, but eventually I decided to publish it through Amazon on my own.

The Scale of Love in Amazon.com sold nicely since I got it published but has not reached my original goal: a gift to the world… And so I realized I forgotten during the process of publishing what matters and what matters not. I lost site.

Now, two years after, I gladly give it to you guys for free, as it should have been in the first place. Because love is free. Knowledge should be free. And the content of this book came to me FOR FREE as a series of intense connection with all there is. You might call it channeling, you might call it inspiration. I call it, simply LOVE.

So there you have it.

You are welcome to read parts of this book, all of it and in any order you wish. Personally I recommend from beginning to end, but you all good people know best. You may quote, cut and paste parts of it as you wish. Be kind enough to mention, hey, it came through this guy, so other people could visit this little site and get the whole picture too.

All is Love,


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